To My Forever Valentine
A collection of our memories, adventures, and the little moments that make us happy.
Where we met
Atlanta, GA
We met on Feb 29th, a leap year
First Flowers

First Flowers
First Flowers
These are the first flowers you ever got for me! I was so happy when you gave them to me
You are my best friend
I remember the first time you ever called me your best friend. In that moment, I realized how close we had become, how safe I felt in your presence, and how deeply we confided in each other. I knew we would always be there for each other.
Our Engagement

Our Engagement
The Story
We got engaged in Central Park, NY on January 4th, 2025
"My favorite place in the world is next to you"

Us in Indian clothes
Us <3
us at mon mak's event
Our Adventures
Every emoji tells a story of the places we've explored together